Cenote Hunting: Puerto Morelos

While not Indiana Jones-esque explorers, Miguel and I still enjoy a good cenote hunt around the wilds of the Yucatan peninsula. The first installment in a series begins here!

Early road tripping days.

Back in December 2017, Miguel, Antonio and I were ready to get out of Mexico City and explore. And what better way to do just that than with a new car and armed with a list of 121 Pueblos Magicos?

Remember when…

These two simple words usually indicate the beginning of some of the best stories, but they also inspired my recent interest to hop back in the blogging saddle. Read on to find out why.

A modern take on an old superstition.

A dropped phone and its cracked screen are how I explain the spate of problems encountered upon our return home to Cancun. Modern superstition or just life in Mexico? You be the judge…